


Army of Hope

Join our Army of Hope

JoinTheFrontlines Short 600 

Ark of Hope for Children is building an army. Will you join us on the front line of our army taking your stand “Against child abuse, child trafficking and bullying” that fights to "Restore Hope For survivors"?

HOPE is at the center of all Ark of Hope for Children does. To a survivor, hope is the reason to hang on in a world that they perceive to be only evil.

This makes our challenge become:

  • How can I, as a compassion filled individual, provide that spark of hope for a traumatized survivor?
  • How can a few of us mobilize to turn that spark into an eternal flame inside a survivor that provides them the courage to keep moving forward?
  • How can this front line army of compassion fan that flame into a fire within that survivor that empowers them to thrive: building upon their past to become a lighthouse of strength and courage and resilience?

Click Here to Take the Pledge and Join Us!

If you have read our book Removing Chains of Child Abuse then you will agree we cannot read those stories and allow one more child or adult survivor to stand alone.

If you have not read it get your copy here.

Join us below and receive your free Army of Hope pledge card and a PDF about recognizing the signs of child abuse. Sign the card and hang it on your fridge or other place you and others will see often that showcases your pledge to “Be the spark” for people victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse or bullying. Whether you act within your own school, neighborhood or internationally with Ark of Hope through one of our programs like RemovingChains.org, the time for action is now and we welcome you!

Click here to Join the Army of Hope!

and instantly recieve your personal Pledge Card AND Ark of Hope's "Signs of Child Abuse" by email.

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Removing Chains of Child Abuse book

Restoring Hope: Volume 1
"Removing Chains of Child Abuse"

RestoringHopeVol1 website 

Ark of Hope for Children is proud to present our first book in our Restoring Hope series, “Removing Chains of Child Abuse.” This very special book is compiled from short stories, art and poetry authored by seventeen survivors of child abuse, bullying and human trafficking. The contributing survivors in volume one hail from three different countries; United States, United Kingdom and France. Stories are already being gathered for Restoring Hope volume two.

These powerful stories allowed those who submitted them to experience writing and art as therapy. The authors know that their works will give hope to the survivors reading them to realize that they are not alone and they too can recover. This book is packed with resources for those still suffering and it includes a short journal in the back for readers to note their feelings as they read. A full journal is now available! Created as a stand alone journal or to accompany this book, read more about the Removing Chains of Child Abuse Journal here.

The Restoring Hope Project was made possible through our Community Partnership with TGIM Publishing, which is the proud developer of Writing for the Soul Workshop™. The workshop is a vibrant program that invokes a passion for writing, resources for healing, and skills for a lifetime while tackling the problems of mental, financial and educational inequality.

Available now!

Soft Cover: $16.99 (Black and White)
eBook: $11.99 (Full color)
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″ (13.97 x 21.59 cm)
Page Count: 146 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1547046997
ISBN-10: 1547046996
BISAC: Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs

Paypal TGIM

Give a book. Save a life.

Restoring Chains of Child Abuse retails in stores at $16.99, but YOU SAVE A LIFE when you partner with us to give this book away to men, women and children around the world who have survived human trafficking, child abuse and bullying.

We will add customized labels to the book cover in honor of you, your church, business or loved one if you like. When you click “Buy Now“ simply select the quantity you would like to give away during checkout.

Set your donated quantity of books to ship to: 
Ark of Hope for Children, 6501 NE 32 Place, High Springs, FL 32643

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Reading Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Reading Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Chains Breakers Reading 

"To equip Listeners for Removing Chains support site while mobilizing advocates for survivors globally"

Ark of Hope for Children provides our Reading Resources section of our Chain Breakers Library, as a resource to assist advocates in better understanding what survivors may be feeling, and what might help them. These articles have been gathered by Ark of Hope and our ambassadors from around the internet. While we find portions to be useful, none of these resources serve as any kind of a diagnosis, or replacement for therapy, but as a possible source for insight or method of support.

Each article has a share button and links to any original article it has quoted. If you appreciate what you read please share using the share tools provided.

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For other audio, video and reading resources for advocates go to the Chain Breakers Equipping Library main page.

To find audio, video, reading and image self-help resources for survivors please visit the Library of Hope on our Removing Chains survivor support site.

If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you recommend an article, audio, image or video that is already online be sure to include the link to it. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or if they want us to link to it instead while quoting certain portions in our own article. If you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us will be a huge help!


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Video Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Video Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Chains Breakers Video 

"To equip Listeners for Removing Chains support site while mobilizing advocates for survivors globally"

Ark of Hope for Children provides the Video Resources section of our Chain Breakers Library, as a resource to assist advocates in better understanding what survivors may be feeling, and what might help them. These videos have been gathered by Ark of Hope and our ambassadors from around the internet. While we find portions to be useful, none of these resources serve as any kind of a diagnosis, or replacement for therapy, but as a possible source for insight or method of support.

Each video and accompanying article has a share button. If you appreciate them please share from our original article using the share tools provided.

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For other audio, video, image and reading resources for advocates go to the Chain Breakers Equipping Library main page.

To find audio, video, reading and image self-help resources for survivors please visit the Library of Hope on our Removing Chains survivor support site.

If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you recommend an article, audio, image or video that is already online be sure to include the link to it. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or if they want us to link to it instead while quoting certain portions in our own article. If you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us will be a huge help!


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Audio Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Audio Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Chains Breakers Audio 

"To equip Listeners for Removing Chains support site while mobilizing advocates for survivors globally"

Ark of Hope for Children provides the Audio Resources section of our Chain Breakers Library, as a resource to assist advocates in better understanding what survivors may be feeling, and what might help them. These audio recordings have been gathered by Ark of Hope and our ambassadors from around the internet. While we find portions to be useful, none of these resources serve as any kind of a diagnosis, or replacement for therapy, but as a possible source for insight or method of support.

Each audio and accompanying article has a share button. If you appreciate them please share from our original article using the share tools provided.


Radio Interviews - Interviews by various radio hosts on varying survivor related and Ark of Hope topics


Back to our Chain Breakers Equipping Library main page.

To find audio, video, reading and image self-help resources for survivors please visit the Library of Hope on our Removing Chains survivor support site.

If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you recommend an article, audio, image or video that is already online be sure to include the link to it. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or if they want us to link to it instead while quoting certain portions in our own article. If you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us will be a huge help!

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Chain Breakers Library – Volunteer Resources

Chain Breakers Library – Volunteer Equipping Resources

Chains Breakers Library

"To equip Listeners for Removing Chains support site while mobilizing advocates for survivors globally"

Ark of Hope for Children’s “Chain Breakers Equipping Library” is provided as a resource for volunteers on our Removing Chains support site and for anyone who is, or would like to be, a caregiver that wants to learn more about what survivors that were victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse or bullying face.

Our self-help "Library of Hope" for survivors can be found on our Removing Chains live chat support website by clicking the link. There you can download or share motivational images, audio, video and reading resources curated by Ark of Hope for Children to empower survivors.

Resources are gathered from around the internet and beyond. If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you recommend an article, audio or video file that is already online be sure to include the link. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or linked to it while quoting certain portions in our own article. So if you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us would be a huge help. Sometimes the author may not be willing which will save us valuable time.

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