

Organizational Alliances

of Ark of Hope for Children

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 A nonprofit organization, program, group or cause that in some way provides cooperative support organization to Ark of Hope for Children’s mission we consider to be one of our Organizational Allies. In the same manner Ark of Hope for Children strives to provide cooperative value and input to our recognized Allies.

To be considered an Ally the organization must:

  • Align with our commitment to serve those that have been victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse and/or bullying.
  • Have recognizable signs of a give and take cooperative relationship with Ark of Hope for Children, Removing Chains or the UnChained Project.
  • Strive for an equally cooperative serving partnership that benefits both organizations. (This does not require a financial partnership of any kind, at any time)

    ArmyofHope Crop

Ark of Hope for Children proudly recognizes the following Allied Organizations.

ChildAbuseDOTcomChild Abuse.com knows that information is a key component in child abuse prevention. Childabuse.com offers current articles and reports on child abuse trends and what you can do to help combat abuse. They are active in the fight against child abuse and child trafficking by offering a wide variety of articles, newsletters and learning material. Founder Gregory Chase has long been a supporter of Ark of Hope for Children and sharing our mission while providing us with great learning and awareness materials.

Childrens Advocacy CenterChildren’s Advocacy Centers provide over 1,000 strategically located facilities around the U.S. for child abuse victims including forensic interviews, mental health services and so much more. Ark of Hope for Children has been able to guide victims and caregivers to local centers near them as well as provide assistance in formats that are accepted by the CAC’s to make it much less threatening for victims to tell their story. They provide amazing compassion for every child, so much so that our greatest success has been a child we helped report via their local CAC whose abuser ended up receiving two life sentences while the child survivor is now in a new loving family. The National Children's Advocacy Center has been a great resource for Ark of Hope for Children already and we desire that soon key volunteers will be able to take their online training courses to allow us to help survivors even better.

NotInMyWorld 322Not In My World is an online child victim advocacy group that has grown dramatically in influence as it shares awareness of the harms of child abuse and human trafficking. The levels of apathy in our world are still high towards the plight of survivors but the impassioned leaders of Not In My World are truly making a difference. They use their various social network sites including FacebookGoogle+ and Twitter and encourage their followers to work hard to make that change. Frank Strongbow, the leader of NIMW and everyone involved has embraced Ark of Hope for Children’s mission in a great way by sharing our programs, resources and our Removing Chains of Child Abuse book and journal, and resources. Thank you to the many thousands of followers of NIMW for your passion!

Real Life AnnieRealLifeAnnie is an organization established to provide resources and a framework that helps foster youth with daily challenges they face in the foster care system and struggles they will face as they transition into society. RLA's website is geared to children who are currently in the system, children who soon face aging out, or those who have already transitioned out of the system. We are very grateful for Real Life Annie founder Lt. RJ Raemsch-Sawyer who has been an enormous help in a leadership role within our Removing Chains live chat survivor support site. 

WritingForTheSoulWriting for the Soul Workshop™ is a vibrant program that invokes a passion for writing, resources for healing, and skills for a lifetime that reaches out to youth in need, whether impoverished or survivors of trauma in cities where they operate. As a core program of TGIM Publishing, WFTSW uses a Trauma Informed Approach, as do Ark of Hope’s programs, to strive to understand and empower its “clients”. 

Ark of Hope for Children is thrilled to have become a Community Partner of TGIM and will provide Writing for the Soul Workshop in the near future specifically for youth and adult survivors of child abuse, human trafficking and bullying to help them gain writing skills and drawe out their personal stories to empower them to break their silence.In addition TGIM Publishing took the leadership role in developing a series of books called our Restoring Hope Project. All of the books in our #RestoringHope series will provide short stories, poetry and art authored by survivors of child abuse, human trafficking and bullying. This effort empowers the survivors we serve, even giving them an opportunity to have book signing sessions, be a book selling affiliate, attend our workshops and more. Our first book and accompanying journal, entitled Removing Chains of Child Abuse were released in June 2017.

YourHope ioYourHope.io has created a Web App community platform that your healthcare organization, school or charity can have customized to provide a safe, secure, modern community for your staff and participants no matter where they are to further your goals and mission. The impassioned staff at Your Hope has worked closely with Ark of Hope for Children to create our Removing Chains live text chat experience so we can connect with survivors safely anywhere in the world via our customized Web App. We all connect via smart phone or computer and we cannot thank Your Hope enough for their volunteering to assist our volunteer and user engagement.

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