


Programs Collection

Collection of Programs

Chain Breakers Images

Images from Ark of Hope for Children representing our programs that are serving survivors and bringing awareness of child abuse, child trafficking and bullying.

Unless otherwise noted, these meme images have been created by Ark of Hope for Children. We happily give our permission to download and share publicly from any of our collections. Once clicked, each image has a share button. Click share and a link to the image becomes available to share, so you just provide your personalized message before the link in the box provided. A download button will also be visible once an image is clicked.

Return to the Image Gallery to see other collections in our Chain Breakers Equipping Library

Return to the home page of our Chain Breakers Equipping Library to visit other library sections

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Advocacy Image Collection

Advocacy Image Collection

Chain Breakers Images

Meme Images created by Ark of Hope for Children and our ambassadors for advocates to share to mobilize and inspire new advocates for survivors of child abuse, child trafficking and bullying.

Unless otherwise noted, these meme images have been created by Ark of Hope for Children. We happily give our permission to download and share publicly from any of our collections. Once clicked, each image has a share button. Click share and a link to the image becomes available to share, so you just provide your personalized message before the link in the box provided. A download button will also be visible once an image is clicked.

Return to the Image Gallery to see other collections in our Chain Breakers Equipping Library

Return to the home page of our Chain Breakers Equipping Library to visit other library sections

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Advocacy GIF Collection

Advocacy GIF Collection

Chain Breakers Images

Meme GIF's (moving images) created for Ark of Hope for Children and our ambassadors for advocates to share to mobilize and inspire new advocates for survivors of child abuse, child trafficking and bullying.

These meme GIF's have been created for Ark of Hope for Children by our very dear friend and ambassador @PoppysMission.  We happily give our permission to download and share publicly from any of our collections. Once clicked, each image has a share button. Click share and a link to the image becomes available to share, so you just provide your personalized message before the link in the box provided. A download button will also be visible once an image is clicked.

Return to the Image Gallery to see other collections in our Chain Breakers Equipping Library

Return to the home page of our Chain Breakers Equipping Library to visit other library sections

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Radio Interviews

Radio Interviews

Chains Breakers Audio

This page includes Interviews of Blair Corbett with Ark of Hope for Children. Interviews are about varying topics related to our service areas of child abuse, child trafficking and bullying and about Ark of Hope's various programs.

Please share from this page specifically about any interview that strikes you as being something other advocates or survivors need to here. Thank you!

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2017, August 3: Interview by Moments of Clarity With Tiffany Wehrner


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Early 2017: Interview by Moments of Clarity With Tiffany Wehrner

Discussed: Adverse Childhood Experience’s Study and the traumatic mental and physical effects to the brain from different forms of abuse; misdiagnoses by the foster care system and schools; Listening to survivors via our Removing Chains live chat support site; the need for all people knowing the signs of child abuse and child trafficking; Children’s Advocacy Centers; don’t fear reporting your abuse! #MaleAbuse, #ChildTrafficking, #ChildAbuse, #RemovingChains, #AdultSurvivors, #SelfHarm, #Overcoming

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Return to the Audio Resources section of our Chain Breakers Equipping Library

Return to the home page of our Chain Breakers Equipping Library to visit other library sections

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Image Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Image Resources - Chain Breakers Library

Chain Breakers Images

"To equip Listeners for Removing Chains support site while mobilizing advocates for survivors globally"

Ark of Hope for Children provides our Image Resources Library, a section of our Chain Breakers Library, as a resource to assist survivor advocates recognize potential victims, as well as silenced survivors, and reach out to them.

Unless otherwise noted, these meme images have been created by Ark of Hope for Children. We happily give our permission to download and share publicly from any of our galleries. Each image has a share button and a link to the image, so you just provide your personalized message before the link.


  • Advocacy GIF Gallery - GIF's (moving images) created by a dear friend of Ark of Hope for Children for advocates to share to mobilize and inspire new advocates.

  • Advocacy Image Gallery -  Meme's created by Ark of Hope for Children and our friends for advocates to share to mobilize and inspire new advocates.

  • Programs Gallery - Our Program Logo's and other image resources about Ark of Hope for Children's various programs

For other audio, video and reading resources for advocates go to the Chain Breakers Equipping Library main page.

To find audio, video, reading and image self-help resources for survivors please visit the Library of Hope on our Removing Chains survivor support site.

If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you recommend an article, audio, image or video that is already online be sure to include the link to it. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or if they want us to link to it instead while quoting certain portions in our own article. If you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us will be a huge help!

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Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect

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Since too many child victims of abuse and neglect are chronically going unnoticed, Ark of Hope for Children is providing this extensive list of the signs of abuse and neglect. It is our hope that many will learn and become well aware and able to notice, then take appropriate action.

Knowing the Signs is Critical

While physical signs are the easiest to spot they are still being missed as these children attend schools and exist in our neighborhoods. It is important to note that an abused, and often the neglected child is warned never to tell. It is, therefore imperative that we look closely. Once it is expected and they are approached we must carefully and repeatedly help them feel no shame, or blame. They already feel isolated and alone so allow your interaction to be one of innocent compassion and hopefulness.

ChildAbuse ArkofHope

Signs of Child Abuse

Developmental Signs of Child Abuse may include:

  • Behind academically
  • Learning disorders
  • Socially detached (difficulty connecting with others)
  • Speech disorders

Behavior in General:

  • Anxiety and/or excessive worrying
  • Behavior extremes (appearing overly passive and compliant or very aggressive and demanding)
  • Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
  • Depression
  • Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings
  • Discomfort with physical contact (possibly violent if surprised from behind)
  • Doesn’t react normally to pain
  • Drug use (to hide from their painful memories)
  • Hyper-vigilant (Watching everywhere and every person)
  • Inability to stay awake in class (May only sleep 2-4 hours a night)
  • Increased fear or avoidance of a specific person and/or situation
  • Low self esteem
  • Running away
  • Sudden dislike or disinterest in an activity or sport they used to enjoy
  • Sudden drop in academic performance and grades
  • Wears long sleeved clothing even in warm weather (possibly hiding abuse or self-harm)
  • Withdrawn and/or overly sensitive behaviors

Behavior around Parents:

  • Child appearing to be afraid of the parent
  • Child very cautious not to upset parent(s)
  • Parent disinterested in their child

Signs of Physical Abuse:

  • Bedwetting
  • Bruises, welts, swelling or burns that cannot be sufficiently explained
  • Cigarette burns
  • Failure to thrive (delayed physical development such as weight)
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent or suspicious sprains or fractures
  • Frequent physical complaints, such as stomachaches and headaches
  • Injuries where children don't usually get injured (chest, back, neck, buttocks or thighs)
  • Patterns or clusters of bruises, welts or burns
  • Signs of injuries that were never properly treated
  • Withdrawn, fearful or extreme behavior

Signs of Sexual Abuse:

  • Bruises or bleeding in the external genital area
  • Difficulty in walking or sitting
  • Fear of bathrooms
  • Feeling threatened by physical contact
  • Frequent physical complaints, such as stomachaches and headaches
  • Frequent urinary or yeast infections
  • Knowledge of or interest in sexual behaviors that are not age appropriate
  • Pain or itching in the genital area
  • Pregnancy
  • Prostitution
  • Sexually transmitted infections or diseases
  • Torn, stained or bloody under or outer clothing

Signs of Emotional / Psychological Abuse:

  • Anti-social behavior
  • Behavioral extremes
  • Delays in emotional and intellectual growth
  • Inability to play as most children do
  • Low self-esteem
  • Programmed statements or behaviors
  • Sleeping problems
  • Speech disorders
  • Strong feelings of shame or guilt
  • Uncharacteristic obedience or perfectionism

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Signs of Neglect

Children who have experienced neglect may demonstrate any of the following signs;

General Clues:

  • Lack of adequate shelter
  • Lack of supervision; for example young children left unattended or with other children too young to protect or care for them
  • Suspected homelessness

Developmental Signs of Neglect may include:

  • Attachment issues (seeking excessive comfort and attention from others or difficulty forming relationships)
  • Chronically sick and/or tired
  • Delayed physical development
  • Failure to thrive
  • Lags in physical, emotional or intellectual development
  • Learning disorders
  • Over or under weight
  • Speech disorders

Physical Signs of Neglect:

  • Chronically dirty or unbathed
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Poor hygiene
  • Rashes or skin abrasions
  • Wears clothes inappropriate for the season

Educational Signs of Neglect:

  • Chronically incomplete or missing schoolwork
  • Excessive tardiness
  • Infrequent attendance in school
  • Poor school attendance
  • Lack of adequate school supplies
  • School forms not returned or unsigned

Medical Signs of Neglect:

  • Lack of medical and/or dental care
  • Low self-esteem
  • Regular illnesses
  • Substance abuse


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