On Monday, October 6, Ark of Hope for Children will be represented on a special Voice of America Radio show entitled “Human Trafficking: Intersection with Healthcare; Part 1”. This is an episode of the acclaimed “Once A Nurse, Always A Nurse” show hosted by Leanne Meier, BSN, RN. Leanne will feature Tammy Toney Butler who recently spoke at the American Nurses Association (ANA) General Assembly in Washington, D.C. on Human Trafficking; A Nursing Perspective in Solving a Public Health Crisis. The show airs live at 1:00pm Eastern, 10:00am Pacific time, US.
How much do we as nurses & other healthcare providers personally know about human trafficking? Even the most basic statistics are devastating: 600,000 to 800,000 women, children & men bought & sold across international borders every year & exploited for forced labor or commercial sex. (U.S. Government) When internal trafficking victims are added to the estimates, the number of victims annually is 2-4 million. Do you know someone who has been trafficked? If you respond “No”, don’t be so sure. They are right here among us, especially if you work in ED, OB, Clinics or other healthcare entry points. What we need to do as providers is to be able to recognize & assist these people during that fragile few minutes, hours or days when they present to us. Today’s Show is with expert in this field, Tammy Toney-Butler. She is a nurse, ready & waiting to help us expand the reach of hope to these individuals.