


What about male sex trafficking victims?

Interview-3cropSexual abuse of boys is no longer fully ignored thanks to Penn State, as well as numerous religious related and institutional male abuse cases. These stories have highlighted an epidemic of ignorance and apathy relating to the sexual abuse of boys. Boys can be so greatly traumatized due to the stigma. It is high time to tear down those walls and take a very deep look into how to help male victims and survivors.

So with all the press about those victimized as boys, why is there so little discussion of males being sex trafficked? Ignorance based assumptions are still being made that boys are only labor trafficked and girls sex trafficked. Penn State and the other cases prove that cannot possibly be true. The demand for boys in the sex trafficking industry is extremely high. 

Blair Corbett from Ark of Hope for Children, with interviewer Fernanda Mejia ask, "Are there male victims of child sex trafficking?" How can we recognize a boy who is being prostituted on the street so they too can be recognized and rescued? What are their needs once rescued and who is ready to take them in?

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Social Network Warriors Needed

Happy Thanksgiving wonderful Ark of Hope for Children followers and supporters. We are so encouraged by you. So many become filled with compassion towards victimized children during the holidays. Especially the child abuse and child trafficking victims that Ark of Hope serves. Now we really need your help so we can serve them better and serve more of them.

Ark of Hope for Children just launched our own live chat social support site for young and old victims of child abuse at RemovingChains.org. The site allows us to provide focused support to victimized people worldwide, as we have been doing on social networks for years. On Ark of Hope’s website we have just revealed our architectural renderings for Harbourage, safe homes for rescued child trafficking victims. Designed around their unique needs Harbourage can fill the urgent need for safe homes, which the U.S. government says is their most critical need.

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Online Vigil Institutional Abuse

World Vigil for People Affected by Institutional Abuse

aired September 21, 2012

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Watch this Youtube video from our live onine vigil for those affected by institutional abuse. Institutional abuse is a plague of all forms of abuse happening within “trusted” institutions caring for everyone from children to our beloved elders in adult care facilities. Institutional abuse includes physical, sexual, financial, discriminatory abuses and neglect. It can happen behind closed doors within our;


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World Online Vigils for Healing Humanity

Past Online Vigils Make Way for the Future

Project for Healing Humanity and founder Fernanda Mejia Varnamkhasti began online vigils to promote unity and healing for victims of abuse and their families in early 2012. In cooperation with technical and leadership help from Blair Corbett and Ark of Hope for Children, PfHH hosted all of the following original live vigils using Google+ Live Hangouts. PfHH has handed off future vigils for survivors of abuse to Ark of Hope for Children due to our passionate service to and for survivors of abuse through RemovingChains.org and our UnChained Project. 

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